The easy button

So, we were all in the sunroom, slouching in our respective, well-upholstered, deep sofas. By all, I mean the family; me, the missus, and three of our off-spring.

It’s at times like this ‘ recreational argumentativeness’ takes over and possesses us. Once such sprang forth when one of us casually remarked as to how these weight loss shots er….shots for A1C regulation for Type 2 diabetes were for lazy people.

“Nothing like exercise and a controlled diet,” said the daughter.

“That’s an over-simplification,” said I, the slouch that I was. “Obesity and diabetes can happen to very fit and active people too”

While two of the off-springs were in the health industry, I was what you would call a Google medicine man. But that didn’t stop me from taking them on!

“In any case, laziness is not a bad thing, so much of good has come about due to laziness”

“Prove it,” said she, not to give in easily

And so, here goes the sermon. For those of you who don’t want a lengthy spiel, there is a concise list after this verbiage.

The story of how laziness caused inventions

Some of the most significant inventions have been born out of laziness. People have always been looking for ways to make their lives easier and more comfortable, and this desire for convenience has often led to remarkable discoveries.

The wheel is one of the earliest examples of an invention born out of laziness. The wheel was first used by early humans around 3500 BC and was a game-changer for transportation. Prior to the invention of the wheel, people would have to carry heavy loads by hand, which was both time-consuming and physically demanding. The invention of the wheel allowed people to move heavier loads with less effort, making it possible to build larger structures and expand trade networks.

Another example of an invention born out of laziness is the remote control. Invented by Eugene Polley in 1955, the remote control was initially created to make it easier for people to change channels on their TV without having to get up from their chairs. While it may seem like a simple invention, the remote control has become an essential part of our daily lives, allowing us to control everything from our TVs to our air conditioning units with the touch of a button.

In more recent times, robotic vacuum cleaners like the Roomba have become increasingly popular. The Roomba was invented by iRobot in 2002 and was designed to help people avoid having to vacuum their homes manually. With its autonomous navigation system, the Roomba can clean floors without any human intervention, making it a favorite among busy homeowners.

Similarly, automatic pet feeders have become a popular choice for pet owners who are too lazy to feed their pets regularly. These feeders dispense food at preset times, ensuring that pets are fed even if their owners are away from home.

In conclusion, many of the inventions that we use today were born out of laziness. While some may view laziness as a negative trait, it has led to some remarkable discoveries that have made our lives easier and more comfortable. From the wheel to the Roomba, these inventions have had a profound impact on society, and it will be interesting to see what other innovations come about in the future due to our desire for convenience.

List of inventions born from laziness

  1. Remote control: Invented by Eugene Polley in 1955 because he was too lazy to get up from his chair to change the channel on his TV.
  2. Roomba: A robotic vacuum cleaner that was created by iRobot in 2002. It was invented to help people avoid having to vacuum their homes manually.
  3. Self-stirring mug: For those who don’t like stirring their coffee, this invention is perfect. The mug has a built-in motor that spins a small plastic disk at the bottom, stirring the drink.
  4. Lazy glasses: These glasses use prisms to change the angle of vision, allowing the wearer to read or watch TV without having to tilt their head.
  5. Automatic pet feeder: Invented for pet owners who are too lazy to feed their pets regularly, the automatic pet feeder dispenses food at preset times.
  6. Electric can opener: The first electric can opener was invented in the 1930s to make opening cans easier and less labor-intensive.
  7. Microwave oven: Invented by Percy Spencer in 1945, the microwave oven was initially developed to heat food quickly and conveniently, allowing people to avoid spending time cooking.
  8. Segway: Designed by Dean Kamen in 2001, the Segway was intended to be a more efficient and effortless way of getting around than walking.
  9. Power windows: Power windows were introduced in cars in the 1940s to allow drivers to roll their windows up and down without having to use a hand crank.
  10. Video conferencing: While video conferencing has become essential during the pandemic, it was initially developed as a way for businesses to avoid travel costs and the hassle of in-person meetings.

No prizes for guessing who or what created this sermon or list. AI did it! Artificial Intelligence and not Air India bhaiya! The crown invention stemmed from sheer laziness!